LASA 2024 – Reaction and Resistance: Imagining Possible Futures in the Americas

This material is also available in: Español Português

June 12-15, Bogotá (Colombia)


🗓 Friday, 10:20am – 11:50am, Ed. 02 – Fernando Barón S.J. – P2-201

Latin American Environmental Aesthetics – Part 1: States of Matter (901 // BIO)

» Mary Louise L. Pratt, New York University
“Combustion Aesthetics”
» Gabriel Rudas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
“Energy, Extractivism, and the Impossibilities of Landscape: On Carolina Caycedo’s Be Dammed”
» Ricardo Duarte Filho, New York University
“The Drowned Memories of Hydrocolonialism”
» Adriana Michele Campos Johnson, University of California, Irvine
“Other Waters”
Chair: Jens Andermann, NYU

🗓 Friday, 12:10pm – 01:40pm, Ed. 02 – Fernando Barón S.J. – P2-201

Latin American Environmental Aesthetics – Part 2: Entanglements (970 // BIO)

» Jorge I. Quintana Navarrete, Dartmouth College
“Biocosmism in Latin America”
» Ximena Briceño, Stanford University
“The Aesthetics of Metabolism in Trilce’s ´Guano´”
» Gisela Heffes, Rice University
“Necroterritorialidades antropogénicas: estratificaciones geológicas y contra-archivos”
» Orlando Bentancor, Barnard College
“Entangled Fictions: Weird Aesthetics, Non-Human Agency, and the Dynamics of Capitalist Accumulation”
Chair: Cynthia Francica, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

🗓 Friday, 02:00pm – 03:30pm, Ed. 02 – Fernando Barón S.J. – P2-201

Latin American Environmental Aesthetics – Part 3: The Animals’ Turn  (1044 // BIO)

» Carolina Sá Carvalho, University of Toronto
“Mosquito Cinema”
» Carolyn Fornoff, Cornell University
“Entomological Enchantment”
» Mark D. Anderson, University of Georgia
“Can Animals Take Revenge? Rethinking Anthropomorphism through Ethology and Controlled Equivocation”
» Michel Nieva, New York University
“Vi(r)opolitics of Animal Farming”
Chair: Jamille Pinheiro Dias, University of London

🗓 Friday, 03:50pm – 05:20pm, Ed. 02 – Fernando Barón S.J. – P2-201

Latin American Environmental Aesthetics – Part 4: The Matter of Cinema (1102 // BIO)

» Ignacio Aguiló, University of Manchester
“From the revolutionary to the ontological: nature and Indigeneity in Ecuadorian cinema”
» Dana Khromov, Sarah Lawrence College
“Tropical Fantasies in Paloma (2022) and Deserto Particular (2021)”
» Sebastián Figueroa, University of New Orleans
“Nostalgia por la sal: nitrato y cine en Chile”
» Jens Andermann, New York University
“Cómo hacer milagros con el cine: poéticas de sobrevida en Mortu nega y Lapü
Chair: Victoria Saramago, University of Chicago
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