Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies Article Prize

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The editors of JLACS are delighted to invite entries for the inaugural Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies Article Prize, to be awarded to the most outstanding article by an emerging scholar that is accepted for publication in the Journal in 2024. The prize aims to celebrate the best research article to appear in the journal written by an author who is either still a postgraduate student or in the Early Career Stage (eg. not in a tenured position, in the case of US applicants, or holding a junior/postdoctoral position as locally defined, as well as recently-graduated postdoctoral independent researchers).

There is no separate application process; authors whose articles are accepted for publication in the Journal will be asked to confirm whether they meet the above criteria and would like their work to be considered for the prize.

The editors will pick a shortlist from the pool of eligible articles and decide the winner by anonymous ballot in early 2025. The criteria for evaluation include originality of research, scholarly rigour, and contribution to the field of Latin American cultural studies.

The winning article will be announced in February 2025 and its author will receive a payment of £250.

Articles may be submitted in English, Spanish, or Portuguese; if the winning article was originally submitted in Spanish or Portuguese it will also be published in the original language in TravesSias, the Journal’s blog offering free content to scholarly audiences in Latin America and beyond.

For queries, contact the JLACS Managing Editor, Isis Sadek


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