Latin American Cultural Studies: A Reader
Marking the foundation of the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies in 1992, we have selected twenty-five stellar essays surveying the most influential themes and concepts, as well as scouring some of the polemics and controversies, which have marked the field over the last quarter of a century. The collection maps the fault lines of Latin American cultural studies over three decades, from the now classical discussions of the ‘cultural turn’ to more recent responses to the challenges of biopolitics, affect theory, posthegemony and ecocriticism. It also addresses novel political constellations including resurgent national-popular or eco-nativist and indigenous agencies.
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Table of contents
- Introduction
Part I: Temporalities
- War and Cultural Studies: Reflections on Recent Work in Peru and Argentina William Rowe
- The Reconfigurations of Post-dictatorship Critical Thought Nelly Richard
- For whom the eye cries: Memory, monumentality, and the ontologies of violence in Peru Paulo Drinot
- The Last Sacred Image of the Latin American Revolution Mariano Mestman
Part II: Territories
- Hemispheric Domains: 1898 and the Origins of Latin Americanism Julio Ramos
- Patagonia as Borderland: Nature, Culture, and the Idea of the State Gabriela Nouzeilles
- The Return of Coatlicue: Mexican nationalism and the Aztec past Jean Franco
- A Short Andean History of Photography: Yawar Fiesta John Kraniauskas
- Cuba: A curated culture Guillermina De Ferrari
Part III: Aesthetics
- Argentina’s secret poetry boom Néstor Perlongher
- Tin Tan: the Pachuco Carlos Monsiváis
- (Queer) boleros of a tropical night José Quiroga
- Heavy Metal Music in Postdictatorial Brazil: Sepultura and the coding of nationality in sound Idelber Avelar
Part IV: Affects
- Sabina’s Oranges: The Colours of Cultural Politics in Rio de Janeiro, 1889–1930 Tiago de Melo Gomes and Micol Seigel
- Mob Outrages: Reflections on the media construction of the masses in Venezuela (April 2000–January 2003) Luis Duno Gottberg
- The City Cross-dressed: Sexual Rights and Roll-backs in De la Rúa’s Buenos Aires Ana Gabriela Álvarez
- Conspicuous Consumption and the Performance of Identity in Contemporary Mexico: Daniela Rossell’s Ricas y famosas Elaine Luck
Part V: Cityscapes
- From Urb of Clay to the Hypodermic City: Improper cities in Modern Latin America Marzena Grzegorczyk
- Obverse Colonization: São Paulo, global urbanization and the poetics of the Latin American city Justin A. Read
- Favelas and the Aesthetics of Realism: Representations in film and literature Beatriz Jaguaribe
- Amores Perros: Exotic violence and neoliberal fear Ignacio M. Sánchez-Prado
Part VI: Medialities
- Post/Colonial Toponymy: Writing Forward ‘in Reverse’ Quetzil Castañeda
- Material Culture, Slavery, and Governability in Colonial Cuba: The humorous lessons of the cigarette Marquillas Agnes Lugo-Ortiz
- Indigenous media and the end of the lettered city Freya Schiwy
- Subjective displacements and ‘reserves of life’ Ivana Bentes